A Collection of Texts and Images Relating to the History of Ventriloquism A continuing, online supplement to Dumbstruck: A Cultural History of Ventriloquism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000). By Steven Connor
Complete A-Z list of pages: select Alexandre, Monsieur (Adelphi, 1821) Alexandre, Monsieur (Olympic, 1823) Alexandre, Monsieur - Notices, 1821-6 Alexandre, Monsieur, Rogueries of Nicholas Amman, Conrad, Dissertatio de loquela Anthropoglossos Augustinus Steuchus Automaton Ear, The, (Florence McLandburgh) Ayrshire Ventriloquist, The (Duncan Macmillan) Brazen Head (of Friar Bacon) Brossier, Martha Brown, Charles, Brockden (Carwin the Biloquist) Brown, Charles, Brockden (Wieland) Buddle, John (Speaking Head) Carwin the Biloquist (Brown) Chambers's Miscellany Darling, Thomas 'Engastremithe' (Encyclopédie) Euphonia Faber, Professor Fanning, Mr, The Engastrometh Farting, Benefit Of Fitz James, M. Fryer Bacon (Brazen Head of) Good, John, The Study of Medicine Gough, John, 'Of the Position of Sonorous Bodies' Gough, John, Edinburgh Review on Great Wizard of the North, The Heath, Robert, 'On Mr Fanning the Engastrometh' Holy Maid of Kent,The Hood, Thomas, 'To The Invisible Girl' Invisible Girl, The 'Invisible Girl, To The'(Thomas Hood) Jacobs, Mr John Buddle's Speaking Head John Wilkins's Talking Statue Kircher, Athanasius, Oedipus Aegyptica Mr Love the Ventriloquist Mr Love the Polyphonist Mr. Love, The Polyphonist, (Illustrated London News) Love's Entertainments Machine Parlante McLandburgh, Florence, Automaton Ear Macmillan, Duncan Mathews, Charles, La Diligence (1) Mathews, Charles, La Diligence (2) Mathews, Charles and Alexandre, Monsieur Millingen, J.G., Curiosities of Medical Experience Natural Magick (della Porta) Nyndge, Alexander, Fearful Vexation of Obry, Nicole, and the Miracle of Laon Porta, Giambattista della, Natural Magick Rabelais on the Engastrimyth Rival Ventriloquists, The Rogueries of Nicholas Richerand, B.A., Elements of Physiology Scot, Reginald, Discoverie of Witchcraft Shelford Tommy Sketch for Performer and Two Figures Speaking Figure, A Strange Career of an Artist Sugg, Lee Sugg, Lee (2) Sugg, Lee (in Basingstoke) Ventriloquial Voiding of the Fairies Le Ventriloque Reviewed Ventriloquism and Mr. Love, (Howitt's Journal) 'Ventriloquist', (Encyclopédie) 'The Ventriloquist' Ventriloquists, Rival Wagstaff, John, Question of Witchcraft Debated Wieland (Charles Brockden Brown) Wilkins, John (Talking Statue) Witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28) Ziedler's Lexikon
Divination, Possession and Witchcraft Scientists and Physicians on Ventriloquism Popular Explanations Anecdotes Novels Performers (Reviews, Playbills, etc.) Scripts and Sketches Talking Machines and Illusions Miscellaneous